U.S. and Canada

Forum marks Occupy Wall Street one-year anniversary

On Sept. 21, the New York Branch of Workers World Party held a forum to celebrate the one-year anniversary of…

September 27, 2012

Racism, schooling gap cut years from life

It doesn’t take a scientific study for people who are poor to know that their lives are very, very difficult.…

September 27, 2012

Chicago Teachers Union president defends strike

Teachers all over the United States closely followed what happened in the one-week strike of the 26,000-strong Chicago Teachers Union,…

September 27, 2012

LGBTQ labor group commits to solidarity

Pride at Work, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer constituency group of the AFL-CIO, held its eighth convention in…

September 27, 2012

‘Redd’ Welsh releases ‘Stand with the People’

The spirit of Woody Guthrie, the working-class troubadour who popularized the struggles of poor and working people in ballad and…

September 27, 2012

Outside U.N., protest U.S. use of drones

The Pakistan USA Freedom Forum and its allies rallied for three hours at 47th Street and First Avenue across from…

September 27, 2012

End the wars abroad and at home

Sept. 17 — As of today, organizations in nearly 20 cities in North America have called demonstrations, meetings, vigils or…

September 24, 2012

Jim-Crow-era voting law protested

Hundreds of people gathered outside the Philadelphia Municipal Building on Sept. 16 for an early morning rally to oppose the…

September 24, 2012

Words blow away Pentagon smokescreen

War Without Victory, by Sara Flounders. World View Forum, 2012 (176 pages, index, bibliography), $15.95. There are times in history…

September 24, 2012

Autoworkers speak out: ‘We got a war going on’

Detroit — When you read about the auto industry in the news media, all they talk about is the “rebound” of…

September 22, 2012