U.S. and Canada

Walmart worker tells WW: Conditions are ‘very frustrating’

Angelita lives and works in a large city in the Southwest. She is the sole supporter of her two children…

January 10, 2013

‘Free the Cuban 5!’

Freedom for the Cuban 5 — Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González now in their…

January 10, 2013

Albany, N.Y., protest demands fracking ban

More than 1,000 people from throughout New York state converged on Albany Jan. 9 to demand that Gov. Andrew Cuomo…

January 10, 2013

Michigan unionists fight new law

Hundreds of workers from across Michigan lined the walkways leading to the state Capitol in Lansing on Jan. 9 as…

January 10, 2013

Ramsey Clark’s unique contribution to human rights

As assistant attorney general for the Lands Division, Ramsey Clark played a key role in drafting the Civil Rights Acts…

January 9, 2013

The International Action Center’s first two decades: A beacon of struggle for the world’s anti-imperialists

Since the International Action Center originated in 1992 out of two small rooms in former Attorney General Ramsey Clark’s law…

January 9, 2013

Philadelphia IAC: 20 years of struggle

The Philadelphia Chapter of the International Action Center celebrated its 20th anniversary with a benefit dinner on Jan. 6, featuring…

January 9, 2013

Hoax of the ‘fiscal cliff’: How Pentagon feasts while jobless crisis drains budget

On the day that the country was supposed to fall over the “fiscal cliff,” Congress finally voted for a bill…

January 7, 2013

Support workers at Brooklyn, N.Y.’s Golden Farm!

On Jan. 5, one of numerous daily picket lines was held in support of workers at the Golden Farm grocery…

January 7, 2013

Socialism key to Cuba’s love for human life

  Excerpts from a talk by LeiLani Dowell, WW managing editor, at the Nov. 17-18, 2012, Workers World Party conference…

January 7, 2013