U.S. and Canada

‘Sequester’ hits the fan: Huge cuts ahead as banks get their way

It has finally happened. After many threatened “fiscal cliffs” over the past months, the deadline of Feb. 28 passed that…

March 5, 2013

The Dorner Manifesto

The following column was written Feb. 24. In the news business, yesterday’s news is — well, no longer news. It’s…

March 5, 2013

Obama’s second term: Which road to liberation?

These excerpts are from a Feb. 23 Workers World Party Black History Month Forum in New York City given by…

March 5, 2013

Kansas unions fight austerity

Chanting “Stand up! Fight back,” hundreds of working people and their family members throughout Kansas gathered at the state capitol…

March 3, 2013

On the picket line

Twin Cities janitors win gains After rallying tremendous community, faith-based, labor and political support, more than 4,000 janitors in the…

March 3, 2013

Marching in NYC from Bronx to Harlem to ‘Stop the Cops’

Rain and cold weather didn’t stop people from demonstrating against police violence in New York City on Feb. 23. They…

March 3, 2013

Obama’s energy choice: Shill for shale gas industry

It is anticipated that President Barack Obama’s front-runner to replace Steven Chu as energy secretary will be Massachusetts Institute of…

March 1, 2013

Tashi Kiya: Revolutionary theoretician, activist

Detroit — Tashi Kiya, 74, an anti-imperialist, ­anti-racist people’s fighter, made his transition on Feb. 13 after a battle with cancer.…

March 1, 2013

Honoring Harriet Tubman included in NYC women’s coalition month of events

By Dolores Cox and Sara Flounders New York -- The International Working Women’s Day Coalition, an alliance of community-based women's…

March 1, 2013

IWA calls for international actions on March 8th, International

The International Women’s Alliance (IWA) is a global alliance of grassroots-based women’s organizations, institutions, alliances, networks and individuals committed to…

March 1, 2013