U.S. and Canada

Sequester means Europe-style austerity plan

Using an obscure, impersonal term — “sequester” — U.S. finance capital is trying to put over European-style, across-the-board budget cuts…

March 7, 2013

Rebel Diaz Art Collective evicted in South Bronx

New York City police and federal marshals raided the Rebel Diaz Artists Collective (RDACBX) in the South Bronx on Feb.…

March 7, 2013

Philadelphia judge acquits cop who beat woman

Philadelphia  — March, a month dedicated to working women worldwide, began in this city with a demonstration at City Hall in…

March 7, 2013

Seattle resisters released

Seattle  — On Feb. 28, anti-corporate activists Katherine “Kteeo” Olejnik and Matthew Duran were released from the Sea-Tac Federal Detention Center…

March 7, 2013

From Alabama to Michigan, Black vote is under attack

Forty-eight years after passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Supreme Court is currently deliberating about the historic…

March 6, 2013

Sexism, class society and the Oscars

The following article is based on a talk given by Monica Moorehead, a WW managing editor and WWP Secretariat member,…

March 6, 2013

Manning proudly admits to exposing U.S. war crimes’

Pvt. B. Manning read a 35-page statement to a court-martial session at Fort Meade, Md., on Feb. 28, in which…

March 6, 2013

DREAMers have a victory in Jersey City, N.J.

On Feb. 27, the struggle for immigrant rights took a giant leap forward in Jersey City, N.J. Jersey City is…

March 6, 2013

Boston WWP says ‘No to racism’ in education

In 1974, white racists in Boston threw rocks and bottles at Black school children seeking an equal quality education through…

March 6, 2013

Autoworkers protest ‘Awful Work Schedule’

Warren, Mich. — Despite mass anger in the plants, Chrysler bosses are not backing off from plans to impose so-called “flexible…

March 6, 2013