U.S. and Canada

Solidarity expressed with Narragansett Nation

In searing summer heat, a 10-person delegation from the Rhode Island Peoples Assembly traveled from Providence to the Narragansett Nation,…

July 21, 2013

Detroit: People battle bank takeover

Hundreds of members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees gathered on July 12 in Hart Plaza…

July 18, 2013

Kansas protests hit right-wing billionaires

A rainbow of working people from across Kansas boldly confronted the extreme right-wing Americans for Prosperity group at its two…

July 18, 2013

On the picket line

Struggle to save retiree benefits for W.Va. mine workers On June 11, Patriot Coal called off talks with the Mine…

July 18, 2013

No justice for Trayvon Martin? No peace for capitalist system!

July 16 — Workers World Party joins with millions of people inside the U.S. and around the world in condemning…

July 17, 2013

Rise up for Trayvon!

Protests across the U.S. July 15 — The ongoing anger of the oppressed African-American masses and all anti-racist, justice-loving people…

July 17, 2013

Send-off of caravan to Cuba

Gail Walker (standing, right) of IFCO/Pastors for Peace hosted a fundraiser for the group’s 24th Caravan to Cuba, held in…

July 17, 2013

Protest supports California prisoners’ demands

Corcoran Prison, Calif. -- It was a day so hot you could easily fry an egg on the sidewalk, a…

July 16, 2013

Release Angola 3 political prisoner Herman Wallace

Taken from a July 10 statement from the Angola 3 news blog.  Go to http://tinyurl.com/ou2fg3m to read the original statement.  …

July 16, 2013

‘No war in Middle East!’

Many groups united to call for July protests against the U.S. supplying weapons and training to the armed groups fighting…

July 16, 2013