U.S. and Canada

Detroit bankruptcy: WAR ON PENSIONS!

City of Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, the figurehead named by reactionary Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder to run Detroit and…

July 24, 2013

Jail Zimmerman. Free Marissa Alexander & Cece McDonald!

Nat’l fightback needed vs banks’ attacks Much has been written exposing the inherent racist nature of the so-called U.S. justice…

July 24, 2013

Over 100 U.S. cities: ‘We are all Trayvon’

July 22 — Rallies, vigils, sit-ins and marches have continued across the United States in response to the July 13…

July 23, 2013

U.S. and British postal workers fight privatization

A British parliamentary spokesperson announced on May 13 that the world's oldest postal service would be privatized this fall.  Royal…

July 23, 2013

Youth occupy Florida governor’s office to demand Trayvon Martin Act

July 22 — The reaction to the July 13 “not-guilty” verdict for racist vigilante, George Zimmerman — who fatally shot…

July 22, 2013

Longshore workers support the National Justice for Trayvon Martin Movement

The following resolution was submitted by Clarence Thomas and passed unanimously at the membership meeting of ILWU Local 10 on…

July 22, 2013

AFGE national vice-president, Augusta Thomas, on acquittal of George Zimmerman

Augusta Thomas, national vice president for women and fair practices for the American Federation of Government Employees based in Washington,…

July 22, 2013

South Bay labor resolution condemns the killing of Trayvon Martin

The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the South Bay AFL- CIO Labor Council, at the general membership meeting held on…

July 22, 2013

In Brooklyn, N.Y., hospital workers lead struggle to save healthcare

In an ongoing struggle to stop the closing of four hospitals in Brooklyn, N.Y., a protest was held July 15…

July 22, 2013

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 9

Women and the struggle for human sociality For anthropologists who subscribe to an evolutionary materialist approach to human origins, the…

July 21, 2013