U.S. and Canada

Obama pushes war on Syria with new tactic

Another step to war On Sept. 3, Republican senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, brokers for the Pentagon hawks, met…

September 3, 2013

Philadelphia protesters fight for public schools’ future

Despite thunder and rain on Aug. 22, a flood of red T-shirt-wearing protesters overtook Philadelphia’s Comcast Center, home to the…

August 29, 2013

Detroit retirees fight pension theft

On Aug.19, the largest turnout yet protested Detroit’s bankruptcy proceedings. More than 200 retirees and their supporters protested outside the…

August 29, 2013

War and fracking protested in Buffalo, N.Y.

A big, noisy demonstration met President Barack Obama when he visited the Buffalo, N.Y., campus of the State University of…

August 29, 2013

50th anniversary rally renews call for jobs and freedom

Tens of thousands of people from all over the country traveled to Washington, D.C., Aug. 24 to commemorate the 50th…

August 28, 2013

STOP U.S. war on SYRIA

Coast-to-coast protests Aug. 27 — Without presenting even a hint of proof of Washington’s allegations that Syria has used poison…

August 27, 2013

Vigil held for murdered transgender woman in Harlem, N.Y.

A vigil was organized by Harlem Pride Aug. 27 in remembrance of Islan Nettles and other tragic victims of hate crimes.…

August 27, 2013

Aug. 28 protest to demand an end to racial profiling, stop-and-frisk in New York

Aug. 27 — The People’s Power Assembly Movement held a press conference on the steps of New York’s City Hall…

August 27, 2013

On 15th anniversary of imprisonment, demand freedom for Cuban Five

Fifteen years ago on Sept. 12, 1998, Miami FBI swat teams arrested five Cuban men in early morning raids. These…

August 27, 2013

Ralph Poynter visits Mumia Abu-Jamal

He's still glowing, days later. On Aug. 10, Ralph Poynter, spouse of "the people's lawyer," Lynne Stewart, visited Mumia Abu-Jamal…

August 25, 2013