U.S. and Canada

Detroit emergency manager dictates ‘lights out’

When the lights went out at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (CAY­MAC) in downtown Detroit on Sept. 11, it…

September 18, 2013

Income gap grows still wider

For ever so long, workers have been told that this capitalist system we live under works to our benefit. Sure,…

September 18, 2013

Michigan anti-fracking movement worries gas industry

Capitalist propaganda has a peculiar way of turning reality on its head. A case in point is the well-funded effort…

September 18, 2013

Protests save Brooklyn hospital

Brooklyn Judge Johnny Lee Baynes ruled Sept. 12 that New York state’s justification for the closing of Long Island College…

September 18, 2013

Syrian Americans say ‘No!’ to U.S. war on their country

A significant turnout of nearly 1,000 anti-war demonstrators, most from the Syrian-American community, marched in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 9,…

September 18, 2013

New York livery drivers protest, occupy Taxi Commission

Two hundred livery cab drivers, union members of the Coalition of Taxicabs of New York, demonstrated outside the headquarters of…

September 12, 2013

Community remembers Mario Romero

Vallejo, Calif. — About 75 family and community members came to the First Annual Community BBQ in Remembrance of Mario…

September 12, 2013

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 16

Social tensions facilitate transition from matrilineal clan to patriarchy Lewis Henry Morgan used the Darwinian concept of “natural selection” to…

September 12, 2013

Detroit’s workers mobilize to defend pensions

Detroiters are mobilizing to defend city workers’ pensions and city services in the wake of the municipal bankruptcy filed by…

September 11, 2013

Event honors Chairman Fred Hampton Sr.

The Chairman Fred Street Party is a yearly observance by the Prisoners of Conscience Committee/Black Panther Party Cubs of the…

September 11, 2013