U.S. and Canada

NICE says ‘Pay us our wages!’

Immigrant workers at Well-S Inc. construction company, who are owed $94,000 in back wages and damages, have been fighting their…

October 13, 2013

‘Shooting crazy’

Taken from an Oct. 4 audio column on prisonradio.org A young mother, her infant quietly snoozing in the back seat,…

October 11, 2013

PSC protests Board of Trustees

Two hundred Professional Staff Congress members protested at the City University of New York Board of Trustees meeting at Baruch…

October 11, 2013

On the picket line

Thousands march for immigrant rights and citizenship All across the country, in 183 cities in 40 states, thousands upon thousands…

October 11, 2013

Philadelphia: Our schools are not for sale!

As a group of wealthy investors looking to capitalize on the public education crisis met behind closed doors at the…

October 11, 2013

Detroit assembly fights banks and austerity

“We’re calling on the banks to refund the money they stole from our community. Make the banks pay!” With those…

October 10, 2013

Derrick Gaines, killed by police at 15

Workers World spoke with Dolores Piper, maternal great-aunt of Derrick Gaines, a Black youth who was killed by a South…

October 10, 2013

Florida farmworkers protest Southeast groceries

Florida farmworkers have taken their campaign for Fair Food to several states in the Southeast, focusing on the Publix grocery…

October 10, 2013

Gov’t lockout rooted in capitalist crisis

By a representative of locked out workers Washington, D.C. On Oct. 1, the federal government shut down most of its…

October 9, 2013

Gov’t shutdown a workers’ lockout

The following is excerpted from a talk given by Steve Millies at a Oct. 4 Workers World Party meeting in…

October 9, 2013