U.S. and Canada

Workers’ unity, struggle puts brakes on firing of School Bus Union 5

Boston, Oct. 23 — In an impressive display of strength and unity in the face of a state attack against…

October 24, 2013

Protesters surround Detroit bankruptcy court

Oct. 24 — The federal courthouse in downtown Detroit was surrounded by more than 1,000 defiant protesters the morning of…

October 24, 2013

Drop the charges against Rasmea Odeh

Workers World is publishing the following statement from the Arab American Action Network, dated Oct. 23, that we received from…

October 24, 2013

Michigan fight for marriage equality continues

Jayne Rowse and April DeBoer never expected to be viewed as celebrities or heroes. Yet the two Michigan nurses, who…

October 24, 2013

Hands off School Bus Union 5!

Oct. 21— Since Oct. 8, the school bus drivers in Steelworkers Local 8751 have faced a continuously hostile barrage from…

October 23, 2013

Emergency protests held against Veolia

When Veolia Transportation committed an unfair labor practice lockout of 700 school bus drivers in Boston on Oct. 8 and…

October 23, 2013

Why we fight for a $15 minimum wage

On Oct. 24, community activists, students, members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, labor unionists and underpaid workers from every…

October 23, 2013

Shutdown crisis set back Tea Party, but mass struggle crucial to fight reaction and austerity

The government shutdown/debt-ceiling crisis evolved out of a civil war within the Republican Party between right-wing conservatives and the ultra-right…

October 23, 2013

Detroit City Council tells EM and banks, ‘No!’

Oct. 21 — In a unanimous vote today, Detroit’s City Council refused to rubber stamp the state-appointed Emergency Manager’s plan…

October 22, 2013

Struggle against Crown Holdings crosses borders

Philadelphia — A busload of 50 strikers from United Steelworkers Local 9176 in Toronto joined 50 other USW members and…

October 22, 2013