U.S. and Canada

Bay Area in the struggle for workers and oppressed

  From a talk given at the 2013 WWP conference by Terri Kay. Our Workers World Party Bay Area branch…

December 14, 2013

On the picket line

Sign NYC transit workers’ petition A massive turnout of New York City transit workers and their supporters on Oct. 29,…

December 14, 2013

A brief history of ‘marriage,’ part 25

Working-class marriage under capitalism In setting the stage for an examination of working-class marriage in the epoch of capitalist society,…

December 13, 2013

Only socialism can save Detroit

  Talk given at WWP conference  on Nov. 16 by Kris Hamel. Workers World Party wants to expropriate the expropriators…

December 12, 2013

Corporations behind global warming

Over the course of international climate change conferences since the Kyoto Accords were established in 1997, a pivotal debate has…

December 12, 2013

The ‘Scottsboro Boys’: A horrific travesty of justice

Eighty-two years after their arrests, the last three of the innocent “Scottsboro Boys,” Charles Weems, Andy Wright and Haywood Patterson,…

December 12, 2013

International Revolutionary Day honors Fred Hampton

Chicago, Dec. 4 — Every year on this day, Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. and the Prisoners of Conscience Committee/Black Panther…

December 11, 2013

Rhode Island protests Wal-Mart, honors Rosa Parks

On Dec. 1, the 58th anniversary of Rosa Park's refusal to move from her bus seat, which sparked the 382-day…

December 11, 2013

Black youth arrested by racist cops in Rochester, N.Y.

Police officers arrested three Black teens as they were standing outside a store in downtown Rochester, N.Y., on Nov. 27.…

December 11, 2013

Philly youth demand “Free Mumia, end education cuts & mass incarceration!’

While dozens of schools close, incarceration of youth of color continues to increase, and the Black youth unemployment rate jumps to around…

December 11, 2013