U.S. and Canada

City bankruptcy one of many attacks on Detroiters

Jan. 5 — The new year began with the swearing in of Detroit’s first white mayor in 40 years and…

January 9, 2014

Solidarity protests in several cities: ‘We see our future in Detroit’

Demonstrations were held on Jan. 3 and 4 in several cities coast to coast in support of the people of…

January 8, 2014

Boeing gets its contract — but by narrowest margin

Seattle — Workers in the Machinists union, District Local 751, expressed shock and disbelief at their main union hall here…

January 8, 2014

Virginia struggle to defend Black history: ‘No stadium in Shockoe Bottom!’

Charleston, S.C.; New Orleans; England’s Liverpool; Senegal’s Goree Island — all these places played major roles in the U.S. slave…

January 6, 2014

Detroit hotel workers picket for higher wages

“The poverty-level wages paid to workers at the Fort Shelby Doubletree Hotel are unacceptable,” charged UNITE HERE Local 24, which…

January 6, 2014

Small Supreme Court victory for unions, big challenges ahead

The legality of card-check neutrality was recently raised in the highest body of the U.S. government, the Supreme Court. Taking…

January 6, 2014

On the picket line

Calif. Walmart workers win back millions Nearly 600 workers at a Walmart warehouse in California have been ­awarded $4.7 million…

January 6, 2014

Organize for stable school busing

Relatives and supporters of New York City school bus riders ended 2013 expressing their determination to gain improvements for children…

January 6, 2014

Frances Dostal: A revolutionary communist fighter

Frances S. Dostal, a founding member of Workers World Party and who, with her spouse Ted, founded the Cleveland branch…

January 5, 2014

Struggle frees people’s lawyer Lynne Stewart

New York, Jan. 1 — There she was standing, then walking slowly towards us, unshackled, without handcuffs or belly chain, and…

January 3, 2014