U.S. and Canada

Solidarity Day 2 versus unionbuster

The attempt by Veolia, an international conglomerate, to bust the Boston School Bus Drivers Union has created a widespread fightback…

January 31, 2014

SuperShuttle workers protest Veolia’s low wages

Baltimore — One after another, the mostly West African immigrant SuperShuttle workers poured out their grievances in front of the…

January 31, 2014

Moral Mondays: the emergence and dynamics of a growing mass human rights movement

Introduction The Moral Mondays campaign in North Carolina that is mobilizing thousands to speak out against the legislative attacks on…

January 30, 2014

World slams U.S. spying

Under increasing pressure and scrutiny from civil rights groups, public polls — and even their own imperialist allies — the…

January 30, 2014

Gov. Chris Christie’s ‘Bridgegate’ — Follow the money

The sordid workings of bourgeois politics have been in the spotlight in the New York-New Jersey area for several months.…

January 29, 2014

MLK honored in Milwaukee

Milwaukee — St. Francis of Assisi Church in Milwaukee was packed Jan. 20 for the Justice Coalition's 13th annual MLK…

January 29, 2014

Richard Sherman and the NFL’s exploitation

With 55.9 million television viewers watching the National Football Conference championship game on Jan. 19, Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman…

January 28, 2014

Struggles featured at MLK Day actions

Following are reports by Workers World correspondents Bill Bateman, Jim McMahan and Gloria Rubac on a few of the Martin…

January 28, 2014

Court nixes giveaway to banks

Detroit -- In what the corporate media have called a “stunning blow” to Wall Street, two of the biggest capitalist…

January 27, 2014

On the picket line

Low-wage workers in six states get raises While the federal minimum wage is stuck at $7.25 an hour, some low-paid…

January 25, 2014