U.S. and Canada

The great railroad strike of 1922

Ninety-one years ago railroad workers employed in shops and roundhouses revolted against a 12 percent wage cut. Nearly 400,000 workers…

February 27, 2014

North Carolina students fight cuts with walkout

“If they won’t let us dream, we won’t let them sleep.”— Anders Lustgarten, playwright  Frederick Douglass once said: “Power concedes…

February 25, 2014

Detroit declares war on pensioners

Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s “Plan of Adjustment” is a declaration of war on the city of Detroit’s 20,000 retirees and…

February 25, 2014

First Trayvon, now Jordan: No justice, no peace!

Yet another travesty of justice has just occurred in a Florida courtroom.  On Feb. 15, a surprising verdict was announced…

February 25, 2014

A U.S. Truth And Reconciliation Commission on Racism

In the United States, a country ruled by the ideology and practice of white supremacy since its inception, a Truth…

February 24, 2014

On the picket line

Fightback of locked-out Kellogg workers The 226 workers at Kellogg’s cereal plant in Memphis, Tenn., made Fruit Loops and Frosted…

February 24, 2014

One month a slave: the case of Lewis Little

Durham, N.C. — It was late evening on July 15, 2013, when 19-year-old North Carolina Central University sophomore Lewis James…

February 21, 2014

The trillion-dollar student loan bubble

A recent issue of Bloomberg Business Week ran a feature headline: “Student Loans, the Next Big Threat to the Economy?”…

February 21, 2014

Victory at Domino’s

Domino’s Pizza workers, some shown here, announce a $1.3 million settlement agreement and a victory Feb. 12 in holding Domino’s…

February 21, 2014

Protest hits NYC Wendy’s

A lunchtime protest in downtown Manhattan, N.Y., offered a strong show of support for former Wendy’s worker Rynetta Bennett, who…

February 21, 2014