U.S. and Canada

Detroiters reject austerity

April 1 — More than 500 loud and angry workers marched at the federal bankruptcy court in Detroit to voice…

April 3, 2014

Detroiters object to austerity plan

The city of Detroit bankruptcy case is being played out in a courtroom far removed from the real future of…

April 1, 2014

March for $15 minimum wage takes place in Bay Area

Oakland, Calif. -- Organized by UNITE HERE Local 2850, on March 27 several hundred East Bay hotel, restaurant and stadium…

April 1, 2014

San Francisco cops kill again

People demand justice for Alejandro Nieto The San Francisco’s Mission District community was shocked and angered by the news of…

April 1, 2014

Women march for justice

Boston -- Despite temperatures hovering around freezing and 50-mile-per-hour wind gusts, the Women's Fightback Network commemorated International Working Women's Month…

March 31, 2014

The people protest Albany, N.Y., oil trains

At the urging of Albany, N.Y., neighborhood residents who were joined by several environmental organizations, on March 12 Albany County…

March 31, 2014

Unions hit education cutbacks

The United Federation of Teachers, which represents kindergarten through 12th grade teachers and staff, and the Professional Staff Congress, which…

March 30, 2014

Ruling says university football players are workers, can form union

The following is an abridged version of “The Northwestern University Football Union and the NCAA’s Death Spiral” written by Dave…

March 30, 2014

Solidarity shown with East Harlem residents in wake of killer gas explosion

New York -- A group of people from several New York City-based organizations came to East Harlem on March 23…

March 29, 2014

Postal unions unite against privatization

In the face of unprecedented attacks from Congress, corporations and postal management, the four major postal unions have created a…

March 29, 2014