U.S. and Canada

Honor Alan Blueford: No war on Black, Brown youth

On the second anniversary of the killing of young Alan Blueford by Oakland Police Department Officer Miguel Masso, several hundred…

May 8, 2014

Fallout from Donald Sterling’s racism

By Sekou Parker & John Parker Los Angeles What happens when you ignore racism? Does it go away and die…

May 8, 2014

Who are the Cuban 5?

The Cuban 5 came to south Florida from Cuba to infiltrate, observe and report on the U.S.-based and supported paramilitaries…

May 7, 2014

May Day in U.S. targets the 1%

May Day — International Workers’ Day — was commemorated across the country with calls for workers’ rights, a $15 minimum…

May 7, 2014

Voices of oppressed ring out in New York’s Union Square

Union Square, New York City — Since a migrant upsurge in 2006 revived May Day in the United States, Union…

May 7, 2014

Detroit May Day: ‘Make the banks pay!’

May Day in Detroit focused around the ongoing struggle against emergency management, the forced city bankruptcy and the role of…

May 7, 2014

Mumia’s 60th birthday re-energizes the struggle to free him

Philadelphia — Three days of events organized to accelerate the struggle to bring political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal home kicked off…

May 6, 2014

‘Central Park Five’ rally at City Hall: A tale of two de Blasios

New York — On April 17, the December 12th Movement held a large, diverse rally at City Hall here to bring attention…

May 6, 2014

Bay Area celebrates Mumia’s birthday

Lynne Stewart, Ramona Africa, Pam Africa and Ralph Poynter were greeted by a packed, standing-room-only house in Oakland, Calif., on…

May 6, 2014

Young Black woman brutalized by BART police and jail cops

Oakland, Calif. -- The Bay Area Rapid Transit police have achieved notoriety once again, this time with the brutalization of…

May 5, 2014