U.S. and Canada

Jerome Jackson, warrior on wheels

Detroit -- Jerome Jackson, 58, an activist in the fight for social justice, died on May 11 after battling cancer.…

June 13, 2014

March demands union at charter schools

Philadelphia, June 4 — Today, teachers, parents and community members marched up and down North 5th Street, a largely Latino/a…

June 13, 2014

Unions picket: Staples Corporate octopus threatens postal jobs

American Postal Workers Union members and Stanford University students picketed outside a meeting of the board of directors of Staples…

June 12, 2014

Racist Boston school plan protested by oppressed communities

Hundreds of angry African-American, Latino/a and Haitian parents and Boston school bus drivers filled Roxbury’s Madison Park High School on…

June 12, 2014

Baltimore FIST fights anti-youth law

The Baltimore chapter of Fight Imperialism/Stand Together took to the streets outside City Hall on June 2 to protest a…

June 12, 2014

Motor City Pride

“Motor City Pride,” a June 7-8 festival with a march the second day, drew tens of thousands from all over…

June 11, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl: hero or scapegoat?

U.S. imperialism’s political switches can be breathtaking. It only took two days for Bowe Bergdahl to change from a diplomatic…

June 11, 2014

Broad support seen for Cuban Five

Washington, D.C.,June 9 -- For the third consecutive year, a week of activities about Cuba is being held in the…

June 10, 2014

Protest exposes anti-woman group

Efforts are underway to stop the anti-woman group “A Voice for Men” from holding its first international conference in Detroit…

June 10, 2014

In North Carolina, Moral Monday Movement marches forward

By Ben C. Raleigh, N.C. — It came on the heels of a powerful sit-in at the office of North…

June 10, 2014