U.S. and Canada

U.N. officials condemn Detroit water shutoffs

The shutoff of water to thousands of Detroit homes has become national and international news. An appeal to the United…

July 4, 2014

‘Threat to health of region’

Dear Friends: Yesterday in my neighborhood, I saw a house with at least six kids on the porch with their…

July 4, 2014

Golden Farm workers win contract

For nearly two years the workers at the Golden Farm Deli in the Kensington neighborhood of Brooklyn have been trying…

July 4, 2014

On the picket line

Tentative transit agreement in San Francisco Transport Workers Union Local 250-A announced on June 27 that it had reached a…

July 4, 2014

Women, yes! Corporations, no!

The International Working Women’s Day Coalition held an after-work protest in Union Square on June 30. The group denounced the…

July 3, 2014

Mississippi after 50 years: The struggle keeps on . . .

Jackson, Miss. -- Freedom Summer changed the course of U.S. history in 1964, when more than 1,000 students and youth,…

July 3, 2014

We march in Pride

Year after year, many among the million-plus people who line the streets to watch the Pride parade in New York…

July 3, 2014

‘What do we want? Transjustice!’

The 10th annual Trans Day of Action brought together hundreds of mainly transgender youth and young workers of color, along…

July 3, 2014

Boston Solidarity Day III

Nearly 500 militant USW 8751 Boston School Bus drivers and supporters took the struggle against Veolia/City union busting to the…

July 2, 2014

Ruling aids anti-choice terror

Top court attacks women The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling eliminating a 35-foot buffer zone around clinics that provide reproductive…

July 2, 2014