U.S. and Canada

Theft of Detroit retirees’ pensions gets one step closer

The results of retiree voting on pension cuts in the Detroit bankruptcy proceedings were announced on July 21. It was…

July 28, 2014

When children are ‘the enemy’

Printed from a July 13 audio column aired by Prison Radio at prisonradio.org. I’ve been watching for days now, as…

July 28, 2014

In Kansas, tax cut means austerity

The state of Kansas is running out of money in its rainy-day fund because it made huge cuts in  income…

July 28, 2014

Microsoft announces massive layoffs

Microsoft founder Bill Gates established the Gates Foundation, a supposedly “nonprofit” enterprise that describes its mission this way online: “We…

July 26, 2014

Replace pro-Israeli judge, say Odeh lawyers

Chicago — In a major development, attorneys for Palestinian community leader Rasmea Odeh filed a motion July 14 calling for…

July 24, 2014

Workers World Party hosts Marxist classes on theory and practice

Over the July 4th weekend, young activists and revolutionaries from across the country, including Baltimore, Buffalo, Houston, New York City…

July 24, 2014

Disability rights: A rich theatre of the class struggle

The 1970s saw the development of a very active ex-patient and psychiatric survivor movement. In 1974, the Network Against Psychiatric…

July 24, 2014


SYRACUSE, N.Y. Chanting “The people united will never be defeated! El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!” a crowd of more…

July 23, 2014

Los Angeles Assembly pushes $15 minimum wage ballot initiative

A Workers’ Assembly on July 19 in Los Angeles drew more than 100 excited people, mostly low-wage workers and their…

July 23, 2014

Pride marchers in San Diego, Calif., call for global solidarity

The yearly San Diego Pride Parade is southern California’s largest Pride event. This year, held on July 19, it was…

July 23, 2014