U.S. and Canada

Ferguson, Mo., community activists talk to WW

Ferguson, Mo., Aug. 24 — Abdul Syed marches courageously and in solidarity with the hundreds of protesters who march nightly…

August 25, 2014

Thousands demand “Justice for Eric Garner!”

Staten Island, N.Y. -- At least 15,000 people demonstrated in Staten Island, N.Y., on Aug. 23,  demanding justice for Eric…

August 25, 2014

Rasmea Odeh case: Judge Borman forced to step down

fightbacknews.org dated Aug.12 Detroit — Judge Paul D. Borman was forced to remove himself from the case of Palestinian community…

August 22, 2014

On the picket line

Kellogg ordered to end lockout On July 30, a federal judge ordered Kellogg to end its union-busting lockout of 226…

August 22, 2014

Jury acquits anti-drone protester

Syracuse, N.Y. -- A six-person jury acquitted anti-drone protester Russell Brown on July 31 in an East Syracuse, N.Y., court…

August 22, 2014

Union leader responds to tragedy in Ferguson

This Aug. 14 message, posted at cwa-union.org, is from Claude Cummings, Communication Workers of America vice president of District 6…

August 21, 2014

New York City subway performers denounce police crackdown

Subway artists and police brutality activists held a news conference at City Hall on Aug. 12 to protest the racist…

August 21, 2014

Night of pain — night of rage

Once again, a Black unarmed youth has been killed by a cop. And while the facts surrounding the shooting are…

August 21, 2014

Palestine solidarity with Ferguson struggle

What follows are excerpts from an introductory statement by Rana Baker followed by the full text of a Palestinian solidarity…

August 21, 2014

The racist militarization of Ferguson, Mo.

Aug. 18 — The air was again choked in Ferguson, Mo., with smoke bombs and tear gas. Protesters’ chants competed…

August 20, 2014