U.S. and Canada

Activists defend fired workers

Oakland, Calif. — Labor and community activists, carrying signs and chanting, marched inside a Jack in the Box restaurant on…

September 5, 2014

San Diego rally ‘speaks names’ of those killed by police

Over 100 anti-police brutality activists gathered for a rally and march in City Heights Park in central San Diego on…

September 4, 2014

‘Streetz Party’ commemorates Black Panther leader’s birthday in Chicago

Every year on Aug. 30, Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. and the Prisoners of Conscience Committee/Black Panther Party Cubs organize a…

September 4, 2014

‘Behind the Red Line’ highlights human suffering of U.S.-backed war

The following is an International Action Center news release of Sept. 4. A dramatic exhibit of 40 photos by Russian…

September 4, 2014

The Pentagon — the climate elephant

There is an elephant in the climate debate that by U.S. demand cannot be discussed or even acknowledged. This agreement…

September 4, 2014

Ferguson Rebellion exposes U.S. racism globally

Just one day after U.S. President Barack Obama hosted leaders from across Africa, African Americans exploded in rebellion in Ferguson,…

September 2, 2014

Ferguson struggle helps build workers’ solidarity

The call for justice continues not only in Ferguson, Mo., but around the United States since the Aug. 9 brutal…

September 1, 2014

Ukraine photo exhibit: Suffering and resistance in the Donbass

Huntington, N.Y. -- “Ukraine: Behind the Red Line,” a photographic display of the war in Ukraine, documents the devastation of…

August 31, 2014

Residents resist gentrification

Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 24 — About 250 angry demonstrators gathered today for a march near the east side of Prospect…

August 31, 2014

A celebration of Chelsea Manning’s courage

San Diego, Calif., activists marked the one-year anniversary of Chelsea Manning’s coming out as a transperson with a gathering in…

August 31, 2014