U.S. and Canada

The Cuban Five: 16 years of unjust imprisonment

People of conscience gathered Sept. 12 in cities across the country and the world to commemorate the 16th year since…

September 17, 2014

Ray Rice, racism and women’s oppression

The National Football League’s Baltimore Ravens’ running back, Ray Rice, has been indefinitely suspended from the NFL, and then cut…

September 16, 2014

People pack court to defend Ramsey Orta

Staten Island, N.Y., Sept. 5 — Today’s appearance of Ramsey Orta in Richmond County Supreme Court became a people’s victory,…

September 13, 2014

Broad coalition builds for single-payer health care

The Affordable Care Act has made a dent in the glaring lack of health care for many millions of poor…

September 13, 2014

WWP on solidarity with low-wage workers

Below are excerpts from a talk given by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party first secretary, at a WWP forum in…

September 13, 2014

Ferguson, Mo., and Detroit: What do they have in common?

The foreclosure crisis has had a negative impact on the people of the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo., the…

September 11, 2014

U.S. actions say ‘Free the Cuban 5’

Sept. 12 is the 16th anniversary of the day when police snatched five Cuban men from their beds. Three of…

September 11, 2014

Nashville, Tenn., youth rebel against mass incarceration

The scene could have been scripted by Hollywood, except this time the prison guards and cops were certainly not the…

September 9, 2014

Protests force Marriott to cancel future SWAT weapons expos

Oakland, Calif. -- Close to 500 people blocked Broadway in front of the Marriott Convention Center in protest of an…

September 9, 2014

N.C. environmental injustice: ’We’re living with a ticking time bomb’

The following interview with Naeema Muhammad, interim director of the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network, was conducted by Durham, N.C.,…

September 9, 2014