U.S. and Canada

Ebola hits U.S. amid charges of racism

Thomas Eric Duncan died on Oct. 8 at a Dallas hospital from the Ebola virus. He had traveled to Dallas…

October 13, 2014

In ‘war on ISIS,’ the main enemy is at home

The Turkish government decided Oct. 12 to permit U.S. fighter-bombers to launch attacks on Syrian targets from Incirlik Air Force…

October 13, 2014

Ferguson & the failure of Black politics

Transcript of Sept. 29 Prison Radio broadcast. The stark and moving images arising from the violence, repression and resistance of…

October 13, 2014

Finally, a racist killer is convicted

Justice was finally served on Oct. 1 when a Florida jury convicted Michael Dunn of the first-degree murder of Jordan…

October 11, 2014

Pennsylvania legislature tries to stop Mumia Abu-Jamal from speaking

  More often than not college commencement speakers are corporate CEOs, bankers or politicians — the people who will exercise…

October 11, 2014

Detroit U.S. Attorney threatens supporters of Rasmea Odeh

The following is a press release from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, located in Minneapolis. In a bizarre and…

October 11, 2014

NYC faces crisis over tunnel repairs

Superstorm Sandy has not finished disrupting life in this city, even though it blew out to sea two years ago.…

October 11, 2014

Defending disability rights

Activists with disabilities and allies from New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts gathered at an 1199 Service Employees union hall…

October 11, 2014

Abortion rights curtailed in Texas

On Oct. 2, with a wave of its judicial wand, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals shut down 14 of…

October 10, 2014

Detroiters confront federal housing chief

Detroit — Mel Watt, head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), was confronted by protesters as he convened a…

October 10, 2014