U.S. and Canada

In Los Angeles: My experiences working on $15 an hour initiative

I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles for the “$15 Minimum Wage” campaign, which includes a ballot initiative…

November 6, 2014

Profit system spreads misery: Time to expose capitalism, fight for socialism

The time to openly attack and expose capitalism and advocate for its opposite, socialism, has not been this ripe since…

November 6, 2014

NYC forum on migrant caravan, Garifuna oppression, Mexican students

The New York branch of Workers World Party sponsored an Oct. 30 forum featuring the ongoing struggle of migrants, especially…

November 6, 2014

Cubans lead global response to Ebola epidemic

Nov. 3 — Cuban health care workers have played a leading role on the African continent for decades. The revolutionary government views…

November 5, 2014

New Yorkers ACT-UP against Ebola

New York -- Some 100 activists rallied here outside Bellevue Hospital in a protest organized by the AIDS Coalition to…

November 5, 2014

Lennon Lacy: A new generation’s “Strange Fruit”

“The nineteenth century lynch mob cuts off ears, toes and fingers, strips off flesh and distributes portions of the body…

November 4, 2014

Pennsylvania charged with ‘apartheid’ in higher education

A coalition of Cheyney University supporters filed a major federal civil rights lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the…

November 4, 2014

FIST publishes ‘Red Flag’

The revolutionary socialist youth group Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST) has begun publishing a quarterly magazine entitled “Red Flag.” The…

November 2, 2014

Ebola in U.S.: Struggle over quarantine, stigmatization

Oct. 27 — Epidemiology nurse Kaci Hickox had traveled to Sierra Leone on behalf of Doctors Without Borders to help…

October 31, 2014

Capitalism on trial in Boston

The grievance chair and founder of the Boston School Bus Drivers’ Union will be in court on Nov. 24, facing…

October 31, 2014