U.S. and Canada

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activists protest RE/MAX in Denver

Protesters marched with signs in front of the RE/MAX International headquarters in Denver to raise awareness that this U.S.-based global…

December 8, 2014

Brooklyn, N.Y., protest demands justice for Akai Gurley, slain by NYPD

Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 6 — Akai Gurley, a 28-year-old unarmed Black father, was taking the stairs with his partner at…

December 6, 2014

Protests in U.S. grow bolder, larger after Garner injustice

Black, Brown and — to a greater extent even than in earlier protests in solidarity with Ferguson — white youth…

December 6, 2014

Ferguson spreads: Walk out! Shut down!

Dec. 1 — Resistance and anger over the failure of a grand jury to indict Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren…

December 5, 2014

Ferguson exposes U.S. ‘human rights’ fraud

Dec. 1 — With the grand jury in Missouri refusing to bring any charges against the white police officer who…

December 5, 2014

Up against the racist state

The national movement touched off Nov. 24 by the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., reached over 170 cities.…

December 5, 2014

Imperialism and the Ebola epidemic

Despite the international media attention focused on the latest and most widespread Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, there are contradictory reports…

December 4, 2014

In NYC today, Dec. 4: Be at Foley Sq., 5:30 to protest murder of Eric Garner

NYC show your OUTRAGE over NO indictment of police murder of #ERICGARNER #thisstopstoday Peoples Power Assembly is encouraging people to…

December 4, 2014

Indict the whole rotten system

No one was really surprised that Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch failed to get a St. Louis County grand jury to…

December 3, 2014

Celebs speak out on Ferguson

While celebrities these days are not particularly known for their political courage or progressive stances, many have spoken out, particularly…

December 3, 2014