U.S. and Canada

Berkeley students ‘tired of murders’

In Mexico and U.S. By Dave Welsh and Terri Kay Berkeley, Calif. Over 100 students and supporters gathered at Sproul…

December 10, 2014

Justice for O’Shaine Evans, killed by SFPD

Oakland, Calif. -- Yet another vigil was held Dec. 7, this one by the family of O’Shaine Evans, who was…

December 10, 2014

Garner injustice widens uprising

New York City, Dec. 8 — For millions, it was both horrifying and shocking news. But for other millions it…

December 9, 2014

Justice for Tamir Rice!

Dec. 8 — With the police killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice on Nov. 22, Cleveland has become, like Ferguson and…

December 9, 2014

Rasmea Odeh is coming home!

December 8 news report from the Rasmea Odeh Defense Committee. We are pleased to announce that Judge Gershwin Drain just…

December 9, 2014

Fast food workers strike in 190 cities

December 4 was a phenomenal day for fast food workers. They shut down the grills, closed the cash registers and…

December 9, 2014

Protests grow stronger, stop traffic across country

Demonstrations expressing outrage over the police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner took place over the Dec. 6-7 weekend…

December 8, 2014

Ferguson rebellion and history of resistance

Taken from a talk given by Lamont Lilly at the Nov. 15-16 Workers World Party national conference.   In 1865,…

December 8, 2014

‘Homrich 9’ face charges for stopping water shutoffs

Dec. 8 — Nine Detroit activists were arrested in July for stopping trucks from leaving their yard to shut off…

December 8, 2014

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activists protest RE/MAX in Denver

Protesters marched with signs in front of the RE/MAX International headquarters in Denver to raise awareness that this U.S.-based global…

December 8, 2014