U.S. and Canada

Six years later, justice for Oscar Grant

Jan. 1 — On the sixth anniversary of the murder of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old African American, by Johannes Mehserle…

January 6, 2015

Resist killer cops in 2015

The end-of-the-year holiday season in the United States did not slow down the “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations demanding justice for…

January 5, 2015

Autopsy confirms Los Angeles police murder of Ezell Ford

Occupy LAPD Headquarters Los Angeles -- After four months and an order from a mayor responding to pressure from protests…

January 5, 2015

‘Black lives matter’ to Wisconsin activists vs police terror

Milwaukee and Madison, Wis. — The youth-led fightback against racist police terror and Wall Street austerity continues to escalate in…

January 5, 2015

Youth activists condemn police state

Four leaders of the youth group Fight Imperialism, Stand Together spoke at a joint forum sponsored by FIST and Workers…

January 5, 2015

Capitalist overproduction and stagnation behind sharp decline in oil prices

Jan. 5 — For tens of millions of members of the working class in the United States, a car is…

January 5, 2015

Making torture legal

Taken from a Dec. 12, 2014, audio column posted on prisonradio.org.   In the wake of the Senate Intelligence Select…

January 3, 2015

Demonstrating respect

Taken from a Dec. 23, 2014, audio column posted by prisonradio.org Throughout much of modern American history, the seasons of…

January 3, 2015

An open letter from Assata Shakur: ‘I am a 20th century escaped slave’

My name is Assata Shakur, and I am a 20th century escaped slave. Because of government persecution, I was left…

December 30, 2014

UAW local backs BDS

Berkeley, Calif., Dec. 10 — United Auto Workers Local 2865, a statewide University of California student-worker union local, became, according…

December 28, 2014