U.S. and Canada

Keystone XL and Climate Change: Game Over for Capitalism

Until his veto of the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline on Feb. 24, President Barack Obama had kept the entire world…

March 9, 2015

What’s behind Christie’s sweetheart deal with ExxonMobil?

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he wants to settle an $8.9 billion environmental lawsuit against ExxonMobil for just $250…

March 9, 2015

U.S. computer makers lose markets as more NSA spyware exposed

Kaspersky Lab, a well-regarded, Russian-based, computer security company, released a report in mid-February describing a U.S. National Security Agency secret…

March 9, 2015

SF cops gun down Guatemalan immigrant

Amilcar Pérez-López, 21 years old and a Guatemalan immigrant, was killed by two undercover San Francisco police officers in front…

March 9, 2015

As U.S.-Cuba talks proceed: End the blockade!

Cuban and U.S. negotiators have announced progress after the second round of talks to formalize diplomatic relations between Cuba and…

March 8, 2015

Baltimore: No militarization of city schools!

The Board of Commissioners of Baltimore City Public Schools held a public hearing Feb. 24 on a bill recently introduced…

March 8, 2015

Rally assails police killings in California

Over 50 family members of Black and Latino youth killed by Long Beach and Anaheim police departments and their supporters…

March 8, 2015

Victory for Boston school bus drivers union

Kirschbaum acquitted as frame-up collapses Dorchester, Mass. -- The campaign to rehire and win justice for four Boston school-bus drivers,…

March 6, 2015

Detroit protesters stand with Greece

Detroit --  Activists with the Moratorium NOW! Coalition demonstrated in bitterly cold weather in front of Chase Bank here to…

March 6, 2015

Workers reject McDonald’s racism

After facing a pattern of racial discrimination and sexual harassment, 17 Black and Latino/a McDonald’s workers in the state of…

March 6, 2015