U.S. and Canada

In Charleston, W.Va., thousands protest ‘right-to-work’ bill

Charleston, W.Va. -- An estimated 7,000 people showed up at the Capitol building in Charleston, W.Va., on March 7 to…

March 21, 2015

Immigrant workers win concession

Since April 2014, Liberato restaurant workers, mainly immigrants from Latin America, have protested wage theft, retaliation and sexual harassment that…

March 21, 2015

Women’s inspiring role in Cuban revolution

Annually each March during Women’s History Month, the Federation of Cuban Women sends a delegation to New York City to…

March 21, 2015

Human trafficking law promotes reproductive injustice

The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 (S. 178) was considered a bipartisan bill when it was introduced…

March 21, 2015

On the picket line

Protesters demand $15 minimum wage in Philly Philadelphia, named the poorest big city in the U.S. by a recent census…

March 21, 2015

San Francisco protesters hit Netanyahu’s speech

Demonstrators gathered March 3 at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco to protest war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's…

March 21, 2015

Dinah, Bett and Albany, N.Y., slave rebellion

On March 14, 1794, two young slave girls were hanged in Albany, N.Y. One was named Dinah, aged 14. The…

March 19, 2015

Vera’s Will: Shows a better life’s in birth

The main challenge in reviewing the wonderful new novel, “Vera’s Will” (Hamilton Stone Editions, 2015), by Shelley Ettinger is to…

March 19, 2015

Ferguson community resists police terror

The police occupation of the Black community of Ferguson, Mo., is just as intense now as it was in the…

March 18, 2015

Slowing world capitalist economy puts workers in danger

The big business media have been crowing recently about the fall in the prices of crude oil and gasoline. They…

March 17, 2015