U.S. and Canada

Morgantown, West Virginia, activists for unity here, worldwide

Building left unity was on the agenda in Morgantown, W.Va., where the inaugural Mid-Atlantic Solidarity Conference was held April 18.…

May 4, 2015

Meetings honor Leslie Feinberg

By John Parker and Kris Hamel Events in Los Angeles and Detroit paid tribute to revolutionary communist, renowned author and…

May 4, 2015

Unite against wars at home, abroad

The present national upsurge against racist police violence needs the support of every progressive political movement in the U.S. Every…

May 4, 2015

Police use tasers to kill disabled, people of color

According to a 2012 Amnesty International report, tasers used by police in the U.S. resulted in the deaths of more…

May 4, 2015

Comments from the frontlines of Baltimore

The following edited comments were posted on Facebook by Baltimore activist and Workers World Party member Lee Patterson. Today: The…

April 30, 2015

Eyewitness report by FIST activist on Baltimore Rebellion

April 27 -- Last night, some comrades and I went to the front lines of the rebellion in Baltimore, at…

April 30, 2015

Urgent call from Baltimore: Mobilize on May 1 for Freddie Grey

Issued by the Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly National call to mobilize in cities across the U.S. and around the world…

April 30, 2015

Emergency appeal from the Baltimore People’s Power Assembly

Demand Justice for Freddie Grey! Indict, Convict & Jail Killer Police! AMNESTY FOR ALL JAILED YOUTH Approximately 350 people have…

April 30, 2015

Boston homeless lead march

Boston’s organized homeless people continued their fightback against oppressive conditions in city shelters by mounting an unprecedented March of the…

April 30, 2015

After Ferguson, police go on counterattack: Mass resistance is the answer

April 27 — The arrogant defiance and evasive obstructionism that the Baltimore police have put up in the face of…

April 29, 2015