U.S. and Canada

On the picket line

N.Y. cracks down on abuse of nail salon workers A 2014 Department of Labor investigation revealed an epidemic of labor…

May 21, 2015

Baltimore anti-police brutality protest says ’Amnesty for all’ arrestees

On May 16, hundreds of protesters gathered at downtown Baltimore’s McKeldin Square in a show of solidarity with more than…

May 20, 2015

Remember María Guardado

Workers World Party members and thousands of others — from Los Angeles to El Salvador — are deeply saddened by…

May 20, 2015

Guantanamo in Chicago: Imperialist war and police torture

In 1990, Lathierial Boyd, 24, was asked by police to come to a facility in Chicago to help them investigate…

May 19, 2015

Remembering Pat Chin

Pat Chin, a national committee member of Workers World Party and WW contributing editor, died on May 16, 2005, following…

May 19, 2015

Rush to judgment: Amtrak train disaster and the media

Stephen Millies is a member of the American Train Dispatchers Association and Transportation Communications Union When Amtrak train No. 188…

May 18, 2015

Wisconsin protests demand ‘Justice for Tony Robinson!’

Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne announced in Madison, Wis., on May 12 that police officer Matt Kenney would not…

May 18, 2015

30th commemoration of MOVE bombing unites anti-police brutality forces

Right near the site where, about 30 years earlier, Philadelphia authorities had authorized the dropping of a bomb from a…

May 18, 2015

Oakland, Calif., conference backs U.S. political prisoners

Oakland, Calif. -- “I am here today to ask people to support our political prisoners. If we all get together,…

May 18, 2015

Revolutionary youth gather for national congress dedicated to fighting racism and imperialism

By Ramiro Fúnez and Sara Benjamin Detroit Young revolutionary activists from across the United States met in Detroit May 15-16…

May 18, 2015