U.S. and Canada

Killer cop walks free, scores of protesters arrested in Cleveland

After the complete acquittal on May 23 of Cleveland killer cop Michael Brelo, the streets of Cleveland were thick with…

May 27, 2015

’Home Depot guilty of murder’ of Yuvette Henderson

Emeryville and Oakland, Calif. A National Day of Solidarity with Black Women and Girls, including Black transwomen, who were victimized…

May 27, 2015

Mumia still in danger

Wadiya Jamal was finally allowed to visit her spouse, Mumia Abu-Jamal, on May 21. “He was in a wheelchair; his…

May 27, 2015

Los Angeles struggle wins wage increase

Activists say ‘better, but not enough’ Los Angeles Workers Assembly All the pressure created by organizations and individual activists fighting…

May 26, 2015

Police riot in Philadelphia, attack peaceful protesters

At the start of the Memorial Day weekend, established to honor veterans, Philadelphia police demonstrated their “respect” by arresting a…

May 26, 2015

Baltimore defunds schools, funds youth jail

Baltimore — The Maryland Board of Public Works unanimously decided on May 13 to spend $30 million for the construction…

May 22, 2015

‘Shell: No Arctic oil drilling!’

Seattle, May 18 — Since the start of this year, a groundswell of opposition has arisen against Royal Dutch Shell’s…

May 22, 2015

NYC tenants demand affordable housing

Thousands of tenants demanding their right to affordable housing gathered in Manhattan’s Foley Square on May 14 and marched across…

May 22, 2015

Detroiters protest Chase banksters

Protesters greeted banksters arriving at the JPMorgan Chase annual board of directors meeting on the morning of May 19 at…

May 21, 2015

Mothers for Justice United

Members of “Mothers for Justice United” marched and participated in various activities in Washington, D.C., on Mother’s Day weekend, May…

May 21, 2015