U.S. and Canada

Oakland, Calif., police take another young Black life

Oakland, Calif., Police Department officers took yet another young Black man’s life on the morning of June 6. According to…

June 10, 2015

Baltimore people’s assembly a resounding success

Call passed for national and local actions The Baltimore People’s Power Assembly and the Greater Baltimore chapter of the Southern…

June 9, 2015

Welcome, Caitlyn Jenner

Bruce Jenner, the 1976 decathlon champion and Olympic gold medalist, came out as transgender to an international audience when a…

June 9, 2015

Festival honors Frank McQueen

A year ago on June 2, Frank McQueen was shot and killed by Chester, Pa., police. Since then, McQueen's mother,…

June 9, 2015

PRIDE weekend in Buffalo, N.Y.

On June 7, activists with the Buffalo, N.Y., branch of Workers World Party carried a banner in the Buffalo Pride…

June 8, 2015

Detroiters demand stop to mass tax foreclosures

Demonstrators gathered outside the Wayne County Treasurer’s office in the Greektown section of downtown Detroit on June 8 to protest…

June 8, 2015

Walmart workers hold hunger strike to press demands

Los Angeles, May 28 — Two dozen Walmart workers started a hunger strike for 24 hours on May 27, sleeping…

June 7, 2015

New York: ‘Strong rent laws now!’

“We are tired of being displaced, extorted, harassed and ignored. We will continue to bring our grievances to the doorsteps…

June 7, 2015

On the picket line

Ironworkers on strike in San Francisco San Francisco ironworkers, who do very dangerous but essential work on huge construction projects,…

June 7, 2015

Baltimore PPA organizer’s car shot up — “We will not be intimidated, silenced or stopped!”

The Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly and Southern Christian Leadership Conference Call for Friday, June 5, 2015 Press Conference at 1…

June 4, 2015