U.S. and Canada

Baltimore Peoples Assembly calls for national days of protest on Ferguson anniversary

Some 150 people gathered for a Baltimore Tribunal and Peoples Assembly on June 6 at a downtown church. The major…

June 16, 2015

Racism, police terror & NBA Finals

Cleveland has made major headlines -- and rightfully so -- since the Nov. 22 shooting death of Tamir Rice, a…

June 16, 2015

Denver DA clears officers in shooting of Jessica Hernandez

On June 5, Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey announced that he had cleared officers Gabriel Jordan and Daniel Green in…

June 16, 2015

New York protest: ‘Stop U.S. proxy wars!’

Outside the New York studios of CNN June 13, hundreds of people had the opportunity to hear the truth about…

June 16, 2015

Bienvenida, Caitlyn Jenner

Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero, 9 de junio 2015 Bruce Jenner, el campeón de decatlón y medallista de oro olímpico de…

June 16, 2015

Assata Shakur mural removed

A mural depicting Assata Shakur was removed in May by Marquette University officials after an unrelenting right-wing campaign. Shakur, a…

June 13, 2015

Workers World and FIST at Left Forum

More than 1,300 speakers and thousands of activists and academics met in New York City from May 29 through May…

June 13, 2015

Oil strike not quite over

After four months on the picket line, workers at the BP Husky refinery in Toledo, Ohio, are starting to return…

June 11, 2015

On the picket line

Thousands protest N.J. pension fund cuts Some 4,000 members of the Communications Workers and other public sector unions turned out…

June 11, 2015

Walk-ins protest proposed education cuts

Hundreds of educators, staff, parents, students and community supporters participated in walk-ins at 17 Milwaukee public schools on June 5.…

June 11, 2015