U.S. and Canada

Students battle Wisconsin austerity

‘Another budget is possible’ Protests to oppose gutting all aspects of public education and related austerity continue in Milwaukee and…

June 18, 2015

Texas laws threaten access to abortion

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on June 9 upheld two of the strictest, most unscientific and…

June 18, 2015

TPP dangerous to world’s workers, poor

On June 12, as part of a legislative maneuver, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives voted against and defeated…

June 18, 2015

New Yorkers fight for rent protection

About 1 million apartments in New York City and some surrounding communities are covered by a rent-protection law, which limits…

June 18, 2015

Boston Pride confronts racism

Black Lives Matter Boston, members of the Hispanic Black Gay Coalition and supporters challenged systemic racism and corporate “pride” by…

June 17, 2015

Baltimore activist tells it like it is

Telling the truth about the Black Lives Matter movement on Fox TV is not easy, to say the least, especially…

June 17, 2015

After third court victory, Woodfox still not free

Forty-three years in solitary confinement is 43 years too long. Albert Woodfox, the last imprisoned member of the Angola 3,…

June 17, 2015

MoMA workers fight for their health

It was pouring on June 3 outside a garden party thrown for the wealthy contributors to the privately funded Museum…

June 17, 2015

Safety board: Con Edison guilty

After more than a year of investigations, the National Transportation Safety Board finally found that a faulty Con Edison gas…

June 17, 2015

Lugansk communist: ‘We fight first and foremost for peace’

Workers World interviewed Ekaterina Popova, a leader of the Communist Party, Lugansk Regional Committee in the Lugansk People's Republic. Popova…

June 17, 2015