U.S. and Canada

BLM & Palestine supporters defy racist threats in Rochester, N.Y.

By Lydia Bayoneta and Gene Clancy Rochester, N.Y. An overflow crowd packed the auditorium of the German House here on…

October 11, 2015

People of color being gentrified out of U.S. urban centers

A recently released census report indicates that white populations are starting to increase in U.S. urban areas. A slight growth…

October 9, 2015

CUNY union, supporters: No contract NO PEACE!

More than 1,000 union members and their supporters gathered in front of the Upper East Side apartment of City University…

October 9, 2015

On the picket line

Target workers win union representation Pharmacy workers at a Brooklyn, N.Y., Target store have made history with the first ever successful…

October 9, 2015

Defend Planned Parenthood from right-wing attacks!

Planned Parenthood — one of the country’s major health care providers – is under attack by reactionaries inside and outside…

October 9, 2015

Chrysler workers vote: NO to two-tier pay

Oct. 8 -- Following the workers’ rejection of the tentative agreement last week, the United Auto Workers gave notice to…

October 8, 2015

The inspirational Boston school bus drivers union

This report is based on a talk given at a Sept. 12, 2015, Workers World Party national leadership meeting. The past…

October 8, 2015

Sept. jobs report: Propaganda can’t hide grim truth

The United States, like other advanced capitalist countries such as Canada, Australia and those in Europe, does not tell the…

October 8, 2015

Tell the IRS, ‘Hands off IFCO’

The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization needs your support and action to turn back a politically motivated attack using the…

October 8, 2015

People’s Grand Jury charges “racial disparities rampant in Pitt County, N.C., criminal system”

The movement against police and court violence against Black youth is as vibrant in small towns in the U.S. South…

October 8, 2015