U.S. and Canada

UnDrone Upstate Walk opposes U.S. wars

Syracuse, N.Y. -- The 165-mile “UnDrone Upstate Walk” stepped off Oct. 7 with a protest at Hancock Air National Guard Base…

October 18, 2015

Islamophobes chased off in Dearborn, Mich.

On Oct. 10, a small group of Islamophobes showed up at the Henry Ford Centennial Library in Dearborn, Mich., armed…

October 18, 2015

News from behind prison walls

As the U.S. imperialist war machine continues to churn out chaos and destruction abroad, a new wave of militancy is…

October 18, 2015

Workers demand union at B&H

New York -- Workers from B&H Photo and their families have launched a union campaign with the worker-led group Laundry Workers…

October 16, 2015

W.Va. Indigenous Day: “Columbus didn’t discover! He invaded!”

Oct. 12 -- Supporters of renaming today’s holiday from “Columbus Day” to “Indigenous Peoples' Day” gathered in Huntington, W.Va., for…

October 16, 2015

Book review: ‘Living on almost nothing’

Hidden behind the smoke screen of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and food stamps, now called the Supplemental Nutritional…

October 16, 2015

NCEJN issues position on climate change for summit meeting

The North Carolina Environmental Justice Network issued the following statement in anticipation of its Summit meeting in Whitakers, N.C., on…

October 15, 2015

Jury acquits Baltimore uprising defendant

After just 30 minutes of deliberations following a two-day trial, on Oct. 13 a Baltimore jury found Alkebu-Lan Marcus not…

October 15, 2015

From a mariner, lessons of El Faro

Every merchant seafarer has, at one point or another, sailed on what we call a "rust bucket." It is pretty…

October 15, 2015

Philly trans* march draws broad support

Hundreds of people gathered at Thomas Paine Plaza on Oct. 10 for Philadelphia’s fifth annual Trans* March [“trans*” is a…

October 15, 2015