U.S. and Canada

U.S. terror continues in Afghanistan

There is no end in sight to the U.S. war in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history. Despite…

October 25, 2015

Brave new resister explodes secret U.S. drone kills

Classified U.S. Department of Defense documents were released on Oct. 15 by an “extremely principled and brave whistleblower” in the…

October 25, 2015

As ATI lockout drags on, solidarity grows

For two months, Allegheny Technologies Inc. has kept members of the United Steelworkers (USW) out on the picket line. Workers…

October 23, 2015

B&H workers protest

Workers and supporters trying to win a union and a contract with the quarter-billion-dollar retailer B&H rallied at Ninth Avenue…

October 23, 2015

Detroiters confront corporate looters

What the system calls looting — maybe grabbing some groceries or a winter coat from a store during a rebellion…

October 23, 2015

On the picket line

Demand higher fine for farmworker’s death Randy Vasquez, 27, was killed Feb. 24 when the tractor he was driving overturned…

October 23, 2015

Victory for fired KFC worker

The manager at Kentucky Fried Chicken on Telegraph Avenue and 28th Street in Oakland, Calif., fired union organizer Shonda Roberts…

October 23, 2015

Longshore workers: ‘Shut it down May Day 2016’

The Baltimore Workers World Party branch meeting on Oct. 11 featured veteran African-American longshore workers Clarence Thomas and A.J. Mitchell.…

October 22, 2015

Sanders’ campaign raises questions about socialism

The large rallies and recent gains in the polls following the debate for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed…

October 22, 2015

Solidarity in Boston: School bus drivers’ union understands it

The Boston school bus drivers’ union, United Steelworkers Local 8751, is fighting on many fronts simultaneously. The union has a…

October 22, 2015