U.S. and Canada

What gives Black youth such courage?

The following talk was given by First Secretary Larry Holmes at the Workers World Party national conference Nov. 7-8 in…

November 15, 2015

Communists, elections and revolution

The following talk was given by Secretariat member Fred Goldstein at the Workers World Party national conference Nov. 7-8 in…

November 15, 2015

Auto workers, solidarity and socialism

The following talk was given by Martha Grevatt, a longtime auto worker and unionist, at the Workers World Party national…

November 15, 2015

We need socialism!

The following talk was given by Berta Joubert-Ceci at the Workers World Party National Conference Nov. 7-8 in New York…

November 15, 2015

New York university workers arrested at sit-in

The 25,000 teachers and support staff represented by the Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York, American…

November 15, 2015

Low wage workers strike from coast to coast

A wave of strikes and protests by low-wage workers fighting for a $15 minimum hourly wage and a union swept…

November 12, 2015

DHHS workers rally for $15 per hour, union rights and Black Lives Matter

Kinston, N.C. -- Members of the Electrical Workers Local 150, North Carolina Public Service Workers Union, who work at Caswell Developmental…

November 12, 2015

Socialist revolution: Not a new idea

The following is the full text of WW editor Deirdre Griswold’s talk to the Nov. 7-8, 2015, Workers World Party…

November 12, 2015

WWP candidates stand with the ‘Fight for 15 and a Union’ movement

The Workers World Party 2016 National Election Campaign, running Monica Moorehead for president and Lamont Lilly for vice president, released…

November 11, 2015

Black Lives Matter upsurge needs broad solidarity

Excerpts from the talk to the WWP national conference by Monica Moorehead, WWP Secretariat member and 2016 WWP presidential candidate.…

November 11, 2015