U.S. and Canada

Historic victory for Boston school bus drivers union as fired leaders reinstated, contract gains made

Dec. 22 -- After more than two years of hard-fought struggle, the militant, fighting rank and file of the Boston…

December 23, 2015

Rev. Pinkney: ‘I am still standing’

As the Rev. Edward Pinkney approached the start of his second year in prison, a powerful show of support was…

December 22, 2015

Jailed women forge solidarity with detained immigrants

Women prisoners in the Yuba County Jail in Marysville, Calif., are on hunger strike in solidarity with detained immigrants. In…

December 22, 2015

Baltimore activists decry hung jury for killer cop

Baltimore activists erupted in anger Dec. 16 when they heard that the jury was hung in the case of William…

December 22, 2015

Baltimore youth answer schools CEO, say ‘No police terror’

Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST), a group of young revolutionaries struggling for justice in Baltimore and around the country, condemns…

December 22, 2015

Sandra Bland’s family seeks justice

“Sandra Bland, Say Her Name!” rang out in downtown Houston on Dec. 17 as hundreds of African-American activists and their…

December 22, 2015

People’s power defeats new jail

San Francisco, Dec. 18 – Against all odds, a grassroots coalition has defeated a plan to build a new, 384-bed downtown…

December 22, 2015

Trump denounced at NYC march

Hundreds of people from the various communities and organizations that reflect New York City’s working class gathered at Fifth Avenue…

December 22, 2015

Rx company mergers put meds out of reach for millions

Around 170 million people globally are chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus. Left untreated, HCV causes liver disease and…

December 21, 2015

White Coats for Black lives

On Dec. 10, University of Rochester medical students, joined by some faculty and staff, protested against racism at the university…

December 21, 2015