U.S. and Canada

Boston school bus union members ‘in very high spirits’ post-victory

Jan. 24 — It has now been more than a month since Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston School Bus Drivers’…

January 27, 2016

Solidarity brings water to Flint

Water You Fighting For? It’s more than a great play on words. It’s a grassroots organization in Flint, Mich., founded…

January 26, 2016

Baltimore poor abandoned by capitalist government

The winter storm, driven by extra energy typical of this climate-change era, dropped 1 to 3 feet of snow from…

January 26, 2016

Black History Month Matters: Support WW

The heroic Black Lives Matter movement is the latest chapter in the centuries-long struggle to end the brutal, genocidal history…

January 26, 2016

Detroit teachers beat back injunction against sick-out actions

Jan. 25 -- Teachers in the Detroit Public Schools scored a major legal victory today when, for the second time,…

January 26, 2016

Black Lives Matter extends solidarity to people of Flint, Mich.

The Black Lives Matter National Network on Jan. 22 issued the following statement of solidarity with the people of Flint,…

January 26, 2016

Flint’s people deserve REPARATIONS

The writer is the 2016 Workers World Party presidential candidate. Her vice presidential candidate and running mate is Lamont Lilly.…

January 26, 2016

MLK Day marked by protests vs police brutality and gentrification

Several events celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took place throughout Southwest Virginia Jan. 16-18. This area…

January 25, 2016

Black and Brown unite to reclaim MLK

The bold, dynamic street actions which have characterized the Black Lives Matter movement are being adopted in the struggle against…

January 25, 2016

13th annual Detroit MLK Day rally and march highlight critical struggles

The 13th annual Martin Luther King Day rally and march took place Jan. 18 in downtown Detroit, where a host…

January 25, 2016