U.S. and Canada

Bangladeshi solidarity with BLM

In solidarity and unity with the Black Lives Matter movement and immigrants under attack, the Bangladeshi American Community Council held…

February 5, 2016

Demonstration to demand: ‘Justice for Flint! Make GM pay!’

General Motors announced Feb. 3 gargantuan profits for 2015. The auto giant netted $9.7 billion after what little it pays…

February 4, 2016

Planned Parenthood vindicated: Makers of fraudulent videos indicted

In a dramatic turnaround, two of the right-wingers who created a fraudulent series of videos designed to discredit and ultimately…

February 4, 2016

Walmart strikers win at NLRB

Years of workers’ struggle against Walmart’s bosses led Jan. 21 to a National Labor Relations Board ruling that Walmart must…

February 4, 2016

Struggle over union at Bröd Kitchen

New York -- The owners of Bröd Kitchen on Manhattan’s trendy Upper East Side suddenly announced on Jan. 14 that they…

February 4, 2016

Iowa joins historic struggle for $15

Des Moines, Iowa -- Iowa joined the Fight for $15 when the first fast food strike in state history erupted on…

February 4, 2016

Flint water crisis grows: State, GM give no assistance

As its two-year anniversary approaches, the Flint Water Scandal keeps growing. In April 2014 Flint dropped the Detroit Water and…

February 3, 2016

CLAUDETTE COLVIN: Catalyst for 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott

Many people think of Rosa Parks when they celebrate the victory of the 1955-1956 Montgomery bus boycott that ended segregation…

February 3, 2016


More horrors are being exposed daily by the corporate-owned news media regarding the criminal water poisoning of Flint, Mich., residents.…

February 2, 2016

Black History Month matters

February is designated as Black History Month. It is a reminder that Black lives do matter, have always mattered and…

February 2, 2016