U.S. and Canada

Evidence against state mounts in Flint water scandal

Feb. 14 -- Rick Snyder ran for Michigan governor in 2010 on the slogan “one tough nerd.” With no political…

February 16, 2016

Standing on the wrong side of history

Dear Brother John Lewis, I am a Black woman, who, like you, was born in Alabama at the dawn of…

February 15, 2016

Protesters in Milwaukee and Denver challenge Democrats

By Vivian Weinstein and the Workers World Milwaukee bureau Hundreds took to the streets Feb. 11 in Milwaukee to confront…

February 15, 2016

Autopsy report released on police murder of Mario Woods

According to an autopsy report released Feb. 11 by San Francisco Chief Medical Examiner Michael Hunter, the five San Francisco…

February 15, 2016

Michigan legislature reinforces anti-LGBTQ bigotry

Logan was an Alaskan husky blinded when someone doused him with acid. The dog died a few months later. Logan’s…

February 15, 2016

Sundiata Sadiq, gentle warrior

His name was Sundiata, and for over 40 years, he fought for the freedom of his people. Headquartered in Ossining,…

February 15, 2016

With no Zika virus, U.S. falls behind in health

With much attention being paid to the recent birth of more than 4,000 babies with microcephaly -- abnormally small heads…

February 14, 2016

SEKOU ABDULLAH ODINGA: ‘Support political prisoners’

Former political prisoner Sekou Abdullah Odinga was the featured speaker in a panel discussion at the Malcolm X Library in…

February 14, 2016

A day in Immigration court

Detroit -- I accompanied a teenager to immigration court. She is one of the thousands of unaccompanied youth who traveled alone…

February 13, 2016

Send Leonard Peltier home!

New York, Feb. 6 — African-American, Puerto Rican, Palestinian and other organizations joined with the attorneys for Native political prisoner Leonard…

February 13, 2016