U.S. and Canada

Flint lives matter! Arrest Gov. Snyder!

Over the past few weeks, Michigan residents have read new, damning evidence exposing Gov. Rick Snyder’s criminal role in the…

March 9, 2016

Trans* lives and ‘bathroom bullies’

LGBTQ people continue to be under assault in the U.S. Ruling-class right-wingers are seeking to divide oppressed people and workers…

March 9, 2016

Women rally for justice, liberation in Harlem, N.Y.

The International Working Women’s Day Coalition held its 11th annual march and rally in Harlem, N.Y., on March 5 with…

March 8, 2016

Akai Gurley’s aunt: ‘Time to dismantle this system’

Talk given by Hertencia Petersen at March 5 International Working Women’s Day rally in Harlem, N.Y. Nelson Mandela once said,…

March 8, 2016

Pro-choice women tell Supreme Court: ‘Keep our clinics open!’

While several thousand pro-choice activists held a spirited, multinational, multigenerational rally outside the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on March…

March 8, 2016

Women change history: BUILD WORKERS WORLD!

March is Women’s History Month. Though WW reports the struggles of poor, working-class women of all nationalities year round, we…

March 6, 2016

Petition says ‘Treat prisoners with hep C’

A coalition of groups is collecting signatures on an appeal to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf “to see to it that…

March 6, 2016

Performers, artists hold #JusticeforFlint event

In the tradition of Black actors and artists like Harry Belafonte who used their celebrity to help advance the Civil…

March 5, 2016

Baltimore rally demands: Justice for Aaron Winston!

Activists from the Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly and the Baltimore Southern Christian Leadership Conference marked the anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s…

March 5, 2016

Parents of police victims ask, ‘Where do we go from here?’

Oakland, Calif. -- The Oscar Grant family hosted an “Oscar Grant Legacy Weekend Birthday Celebration” on Feb. 27. It started…

March 5, 2016