U.S. and Canada

The myth of ‘free trade’

Media experts claim that Bernie Sanders won Michigan’s Democratic primary because he attacked “free trade.” Human beings have been trading…

March 19, 2016

March hits candidates’ silence on U.S. wars

Hundreds of people rallied in New York’s busy Herald Square on March 13 for a day of Peace and Solidarity.…

March 17, 2016

What the Miami Democratic debate revealed

A recurring theme in the 2016 presidential elections is immigration, especially on the Republican side. The inflammatory rhetoric from Republican…

March 16, 2016

AIDS Activists, not politicians, led fight against epidemic

Hillary Clinton’s anti-LGBTQ statement on March 11 showed how the ruling class fabricates “history” out of thin air and lies…

March 16, 2016

Inside the anti-racist resistance: Chicago youth shut down Trump

Chicago, March 11 -- Donald Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant, sexist, right-wing rhetoric has been met with powerful, organized protests both inside…

March 16, 2016

CUNY Rising challenges cutbacks, austerity

For the past five years members of the Professional Staff Congress have worked without a contract and for the last…

March 16, 2016

Implications of Clinton’s setback in the Michigan primary

Democratic Party bosses and corporate media pundits were taken aback on March 8 when they grossly miscalculated the strength of…

March 16, 2016

WWP Presidential campaign stands with anti-Trump youth in Chicago

The following statement was jointly written by Workers World Party presidential and vice presidential candidates, Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly.…

March 14, 2016

Alabama prisoners rise up

About 100 prisoners ignited a fire and tried to gain control of their dormitory in the March 11 uprising at…

March 14, 2016

Free Rev. Pinkney now!

Supporters of Michigan political prisoner the Rev. Edward Pinkney rallied outside the Michigan Department of Corrections in Lansing, Mich., on…

March 13, 2016