U.S. and Canada

How Wall Street protest opened door to organizing anti-war soldiers

April 12, 1966. Fifteen young women and men slipped into the New York Stock Exchange. They didn’t belong there. They…

April 10, 2016

Newark children exposed to lead

Nearly half the schools in Newark, N.J., were temporarily shut down on March 9 when elevated levels of lead were…

April 8, 2016

Brooklyn, N.Y.: ‘Affordable for WHO?’

March 30 —“Luxury high-rises are being built in our neighborhoods; rents and property taxes keep going up and up; and…

April 8, 2016

Capitalism = homelessness

Nearly 24,000 children sleep every night in New York City municipal shelters, according to the Coalition for the Homeless. But…

April 8, 2016

Black trans community organizer says ‘Y’All white queers better quiet down in North Carolina’

This commentary first appeared April 6 on advocate.com. The day that Gov. Pat McCrory and North Carolina’s General Assembly approved…

April 7, 2016

Bus drivers bring victory story to Chicago

Two leaders of the Boston School Bus Drivers, Steelworkers Local 8751, arrived in Chicago on April 2. Union Trustees Fred…

April 7, 2016

Federal workers under attack

Congress has unleashed a number of right-wing bills that would erode job security, pay, and, for federal workers, the very…

April 7, 2016

On the picket line

Massachusetts teachers’ unions endorse trans* rights bill Despite a wave of reactionary, anti-trans* legislation sweeping the country, most recently in North…

April 7, 2016

WWP presidential candidates say: ‘Solidarity with anti-racist, pro-worker occupation of Duke University! Carry the struggle forward to victory!’

April 6 --The Workers World Party 2016 Moorehead-Lilly presidential campaign sends our solidarity to the occupation of the administration building…

April 6, 2016

African-American political power and the elections

The role of African Americans is pivotal during the last two months of primaries and caucuses in approximately 20 states.…

April 6, 2016