U.S. and Canada

Gulf Coast faces spread of Zika

With no national funding or coordinated prevention plan to stop it, the Zika virus is starting to sweep through the…

May 5, 2016

Workers fight for safety, mourn those who died on the job

Syracuse, N.Y. -- April 28, Workers Memorial Day, commemorates workers killed, injured or made ill at their jobs. That day, Antonio…

May 5, 2016

On the picket line

California farm labor board rules in favor of Farm Workers The full California Agricultural Labor Relations Board issued a unanimous…

May 5, 2016


The two most militant movements currently powering struggles for progressive change in the United States provided leadership and activists to…

May 4, 2016

Teachers demand and win pay as sick-outs close Detroit public schools

Detroit, May 3 -- Late this afternoon it was announced by media outlets that the Detroit teachers scored a victory…

May 3, 2016

N.C. rural community fights killing of Black youth by racist state trooper

Kinston, N.C. -- The murders of Black youth at the hands of police, state troopers and county sheriff’s officers is not…

May 3, 2016

Bay Area turns up to block Trump

Burlingame, Calif. -- Anti-Trump protesters organized to block Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his supporters from basking in the California…

May 3, 2016

‘Dump Trump’ in Maryland

Hagerstown, Md. -- Chanting “Dump Trump!” and “Racist! Sexist! Anti-gay! Donald Trump, go away!” the second of two Maryland protests confronted…

May 3, 2016

Verizon strikers stay strong as solidarity grows

Since April 13, 40,000 workers, represented by the Communication Workers and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, have been on…

May 2, 2016

Jobs, globalization and election promises

The question of what has happened to jobs in the United States is of course of the utmost concern to…

May 2, 2016