U.S. and Canada

Bond demanded for Rev. Pinkney, political prisoner

Michigan political prisoner the Rev. Edward Pinkney had his appeal placed on hold May 12 following oral arguments in his…

May 23, 2016

While states pass anti-abortion laws, Supreme Court sidesteps birth control challenge

The Supreme Court on May 16 separated the consolidated case of Zubik v. Burwell and referred nine similar cases back…

May 23, 2016

Hundreds protest fracking in Colorado

Protests against the use of fossil fuels and hydraulic fracturing have been taking place in Colorado. All over the state,…

May 22, 2016

African American Museum of History and Culture to open in DC

A center designed for the preservation and exhibition of the contributions of people of African descent in the United States…

May 22, 2016

Michael Ratner: 1943 – 2016

The progressive and anti-imperialist movement lost a valued fighter on May 11, when Michael Ratner died at the age of…

May 22, 2016

Baltimore activists denounce voter suppression

In an unprecedented move, the State Board of Elections decertified Baltimore city primary election results on May 12 until it…

May 20, 2016

Demands to fire SF police chief reach crescendo – he’s out

Update: Chief Suhr was fired on 5/19 after the SFPD killing of another Black person that morning, a 27 year…

May 20, 2016

Verizon strikers fight for all workers

For more than a month, Verizon workers in the company’s landline and broadband FIOS sectors have been on strike in…

May 19, 2016

Boston Verizon strikers hold mass march

Nearly 1,000 strikers and their supporters demonstrated their rock-solid determination to win against Verizon’s corporate war on the hardworking members…

May 19, 2016

Undocumented students take over Regents meeting

Atlanta -- In a bold action, Georgia undocumented youth and their allies entered the meeting room of the Board of Regents…

May 19, 2016