U.S. and Canada

Prisoners harness power of labor strike

As movements for freedom and against mass incarceration continue to build behind prison walls, more prisoners are looking to the…

July 3, 2016

Stop force feeding striking prisoners!

At least six prisoners are now on hunger strike in Wisconsin at Columbia, Green Bay and Waupun maximum security prisons.…

July 3, 2016

Protesters confront Trump at coal bosses’ feast

Wheeling, W.Va. - An angry crowd of mostly youthful protesters confronted the racist presidential candidate, Donald Trump, outside the WesBanco…

July 3, 2016

Roll back the rent!

New York - Class lines were clearly drawn as over 500 mostly Latina and Latino tenants demanding, “Roll back the…

July 3, 2016

Getting WWP on Wisconsin ballot

Organizers across the state of Wisconsin are busy preparing to obtain ballot status for Workers World Party candidates Monica Moorehead…

July 1, 2016

Alabama workers demand to be paid

A bold action against wage theft was announced June 17 by the Adelante Alabama Worker Center and WOW (Winning Our…

July 1, 2016

On the picket line

FedEx workers win a place at the bargaining table “What they said couldn’t be done is getting done,” two Charlotte,…

July 1, 2016

Pride in time of tragedy

On June 11, I attended the annual LGBTQ Pride event held in Pensacola, Fla., my girlfriend and I arriving at…

July 1, 2016

Sign the petition to tell Attorney General Loretta Lynch to FREE the MOVE 9

The following appeal was written by Michael Davis Africa, one of the unjustly imprisoned MOVE 9 and a member of…

June 30, 2016

Fight for $15 and minimum wage myth-busting in Polk County, Iowa

Des Moines, Iowa -- Over 70 community members gathered in Polk County, Iowa, on June 28 to hear speakers Paul…

June 30, 2016