U.S. and Canada

After arson fire, community rebuffs racism

On the first day of August, a shocking letter was delivered to Kenneth Walker in North Tonawanda, an overwhelmingly white…

August 18, 2016

Brooklyn, N.Y.: E4F marches against cops and gentrification

The Equality for Flatbush Project (E4F), a people-of-color-led, multinational grass-roots organization which does anti-police repression, affordable housing and anti-gentrification organizing…

August 18, 2016

Fighting for $15 and a union

The first-ever “Fight for $15” conference was held the weekend of Aug. 13 in Richmond, Va. Thousands of low-wage workers…

August 17, 2016

Getting a grip on how U.S. ‘democracy’ works

How can a narcissistic billionaire who is running a racist election campaign claim to speak for disgruntled workers? Why is…

August 17, 2016

At Peace and Freedom Party convention, WWP builds solidarity for Black Lives Matter movement

Sacramento, Calif. At this year’s Peace and Freedom Party convention, held Aug. 12-14 in Sacramento, Calif., delegates were reminded of…

August 16, 2016

Petition demands justice for Ethel Rosenberg

The Rosenberg Fund for Children is petitioning the White House to exonerate Ethel Rosenberg. Along with her spouse Julius Rosenberg,…

August 16, 2016

Milwaukee community in rebellion after cops gun down youth

Aug. 15 -- As part of the ongoing international resistance against police terror, youth rose up in rebellion in Milwaukee…

August 15, 2016

WWP candidates react to recent DOJ Baltimore report

The Department of Justice released a 164-page report on the city of Baltimore Police Department that is a scathing condemnation…

August 15, 2016

A celebration of strength and visibility: Pride in the CLE

The trend of business-oriented LGBTQ Pride celebrations around the U.S. was overcome in Cleveland, at least for 2016. After 27…

August 15, 2016

Albert Woodfox tells supporters: ‘Stand strong!’

New York City Former political prisoner Albert Woodfox was given an award by the National Lawyers Guild on Aug. 4,…

August 12, 2016